Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Virtues of Dhul Hijjah

Assalaamu Alaikum WA Rahmatullahi WA Barakaathuhu!

The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, our Prophet () has reminded us, are the most blessed & holiest days of the year. Unfortunately, many Muslims completely ignore or trivialize the importance of these days. Many of us have this perception or concept that, the days of Ramadan are the best days of the entire year. However, as many of our great scholars have pointed out, including Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimuhullahu ta'ala), it is in fact the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, that are the most blessed & the most noble days in the entire year; so much so that, many of the early commentators said that when Allah says in the Quran, 'the ten nights' or 'the ten days' if you like, that 'qasam' or that oath is a reference to the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

And our Prophet () told us, that there are no days of the entire year in which deeds are rewarded more or considered more blessed than these very first ten days. The Sahabah said, 'O Messenger of Allah! Even striving for the sake of Allah, is not better than doing good deeds in these ten days?' He said, 'Yes. Even striving for the sake of Allah; except for the man who leaves in that path and in that struggle and he takes all that is with him and he takes his life and his belongings and he comes back with nothing of that.' Meaning that he becomes a martyr striving for the sake of Allah (subhaanahu WA ta'ala). Now the point being, that these ten days therefore, are the most blessed days of the year for us to increase our good deeds in. And there are many good deeds that can be done. Some of those good deeds are of course, number 1. The Hajj itself - which can only be done during this time. Also, fasting in these days; the Prophet () said that, 'fasting on the 9th of this month is a day that forgives the sins of the years before.' And our Prophet () told us that these are the days that we are supposed to say takbeer & tahmeed; to do dhikr of Allah ('azza Wa jal) & the Sahabah would do dhikr loudly on these days. Also, increasing our knowledge of the religion of Islam; one of the easiest & best ways to come closer to Allah (subhaanahu Wa ta'ala), increasing our salawaat, our nafil, visiting our relatives, being kind & merciful to our parents, being generous to the poor; all of these deeds are just some of the many many ways that we can come closer to Allah in these blessed & holy days. 

My dear brothers & sisters in Islam, knowledge is nothing, unless implemented into action. These are the days of action. So in shaa Allah I hope that the knowledge that some of us have imparted to you & we have benefited from each other, I hope that, that knowledge is manifested, especially & in particular in these ten days. May Allah (subhaanahu WA ta'ala) forgive our sins, cover up our faults, allow us to come closer to Him & make us to be of the blessed company of the siddiqeen & the shuhadaa & the saaliheen, in the hereafter.

 WA Jazakumullahu Khairan

Wassalaamu Alaikum WA Rahmatullahi WA Barakaathuhu

Virtues Of Dhul Hijjah ┇ by Sheikh Dr. Yasir
Youtube video Link : Virtues of Dhul Hijjah 

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