Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Aim For The 1st Place!

Muhammad Sallellahu Alihe wa sallam! He had everything that a Prophet can ask for! He was the seal of the Prophets. But then look, he tells us, ‘I am the first servant of the earth who will released from their graves.’ He is the first person that will come out of his grave. He is the first person and the only person that Allah would allow to intercede for others. He is the only person, the only person, that gates of Jannah would open, no one before him. Then look what he said, Rasullullah Sallellahu Alihe wa sallam…

Look what he said, Sallellahu Alihy wa sallam said, ‘there is only one spot!’ Imagine! From the day Allah created Adam and the Jinns to the last day, there is only one spot that everyone, that Allah created can aim and dream about. One spot! Not for two, not for 2nd ,third or fourth—one spot! Did he say Sallellahu alaihi wa sallam, ‘I love my father Ibrahim Alaihe wa sallam. Let him have that spot.?’ Did he say, ‘I want my brother Musa to have that spot?’ He said, ‘No!’ After every Adhan, ask Allah to give me the waseelah, to give me that place, to allow me to be in that place that is only for one person. And that is why every time, and not only that, he said, ‘if you do this for me, I will intercede for you on the day of yawmul qiyamah. After you heard the Adhan if you say... that status’ He said, ‘the, my sheaf‘a is yours!’

See your messenger of Allah did not want to be the 2nd person, because 2nd is always forgotten. They only, when they are talking about the history of energy and electricity, they will only mention the man who came up with, not the man who developed. When they are talking about, telephones, they only mention the man who came up with. When we are talking about fuqaha, we always start with Abu Hanifa because he is the first place! There is always no place for 2nd person! So as a Muslim, if you say, ‘I am content, I am happy, I am satisfied with the 2nd place’ then I will tell you that is the status and mentality of a loser. Because your messenger Sallellahu Alihi wa Sallam said only one person and he aimed that. He said the nations, the prophets will present their followers, I wanna be the one who has the most followers, therefore, marry women and have children. He wants to be first. He wants you and I, because we are his followers to be first of the nations. But look at the status of the Muslims now a days. We are at the back burner! We are on the wagon! We are on the way behind all other nations, you know why? Do you know why we became followers, not leaders?

It’s because we no longer aim high!

 - by Sheikh Said Rageah 

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