Saturday, January 10, 2015

Man either has stages or is nothing.

Allah says, “Has there not been over man a period of time when he was nothing to be mentioned?” [Soorah al- Insan (76): 1] (the stage mentioned in this verse is the first stage of man) 

then man became a fetus (which is the second stage of man) and later he began performing deeds in the world (which is the third stage of man). Man's state in the world is more complete than his state of being a fetus. 

(after coming into this world) man moves on to the fourth stage, i.e., the Barzakh (the stage that begins after death and ends at the establishment of the Hour). His state in the Barzakh is more complete than his state in the world. 

Man further moves on to the fifth stage, i.e., the Last Day. His condition at this stge is more complete than all the previous stages. 

Explanation of the above is that man is without doubt 

more deficient in his mother's womb than his condition in this world. Allah says, “Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allah).” [Soorah an-Nahl (16): 78] 

Once he is out of his mother's womb, he possesses knowledge, hearing, sight and actions. Man's condition in this world is not always serene rather it is peaceful and troubled, it involves hardships and relief, discrimination and justice, good and evil. 

You are now young and strong but one of the two things will occur to you; death or old age - therefore the life of this world is blemished and this is why it is called Dunya (Arabic word for world), from the root word, dana'a (i.e., base, lowly, ignoble) and also Dunuw (i.e., imminent, close). The world is thus lowly in comparison to the Hereafter. 

Man's condition in the Barzakh is more perfect than his state in this world because his condition in the Barzakh is stable. If he is from the people of good then he is blessed in his grave. His grave is widened as far as his eyes can see. It is furnished from Paradise and a door into the Paradise is opened for him. This cannot be achieved in this world. 

(the stage of the Hereafter is more complete than all the previous stages because) Absolute completeness is given to man in the Hereafter – a complete life that cannot be compared to this worldly life with regards to any aspect.

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