Thursday, January 15, 2015


Allah, the Exalted, will raise the bodies on the Day of Judgment barefooted, naked and uncircumcised. 
Barefooted: without any sandals or shoes, i.e., they will have no covering for the foot. 
Naked: without clothes 
Uncircumcised: without circumcision 
Some ahadeeth also mention, 'Buhman' – i.e., without any wealth. Everyone will posses his deeds only. 

Resurrection (on the Day of Judgment) means reformation and does not mean a new creation as Allah says, “Who will give life to these bones when they have rotted away and became dust? Say, He will give life to them Who created them for the first time!” [Soorah Ya-Sin (36): 79] 

If it was a new creation, then the body which committed evil deeds in this world would be safe from the torment while the new body would be tormented. This is against justice. Texts (of the religion) and intellect testify that resurrection will not be in a new body but it will be returning (of the soul to the body).

Question: How will the resurrection take place? Man might be dead, (his body) might be eaten by a lion and as such his flesh turns into blood flowing in the animal, etc. 

Reply: Allah – the One, Who has power over everything – the One, Who says to the thing 'be' and it is - He will order these bodies which have been dispersed, eaten or scattered in the wind - to return and they will return. This belief is based upon the previously mentioned principle, 

'It is obligatory upon man to accept all news concerning the Ghayb (without asking how or why).’ 

After having heard the words of Allah's Messenger that the people will be resurrected barefooted, naked and uncircumcised, Aaisha (radhi Allahu anha) asked, 'Will the men and women be looking at each other?' The Prophet replied, 'The issue will be far more serious than they (would care to) look at each other.' 

So, on that day no one will look at another because Allah says, “That Day man shall flee from his brother and from his mother and his father and from his wife and his children. Everyman - that Day - will have enough to make him careless of others.” [Soorah Abasa (80): 34- 37] - to the extent that man will even forget his offspring and relatives, “When the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another.” [Soorah al- Mu'minoon (23): 101]

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