Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Beware Of Who You Befriend!

The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said...a person will not follow the teachings of his father, nor did he say a person will follow the teachings of his parents, nor did the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) say a person will follow the teachings of his tutor...comprehensive speech indeed. The Nabi of Allah (ﷺ) said, 'A man will take to the teachings of his friends, so O my sahaba (companions), be very selective when you decide who you befriend! Oh my sahaba be very selective when you decide who you befriend!' Your social circle, with whom your daily interaction is. 
There was a person in Makkah by the name of Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'eeth, a very well known renowned kaafir. One day he returns from journey and as was traditional and customary amongst the Arabs, he has a feast and he invites people. He entertains many people and he calls them and naturally, the noblest of the noble was Nabi-e-kareem (ﷺ), so he invites Nabi (ﷺ) also for meals, Nabi (ﷺ) come, high profile personnel congregate at his house, they are about to consume the meal, the Nabi of Allah (ﷺ) says, 'I have a very deep desire and passion that if you would accept Islam, it would really make me happy'. So the host, Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'eeth, felt offended that my guest has come here and I cannot honor his request, so he says, 'No problem O Muhammad (ﷺ), I will accept what you're saying' and he recites the kalimah 'laa ilaaha illAllah'. After the meal was over, as courtesy, Nabi (ﷺ) thanks him and then the Nabi of Allah leaves. Sometime later this kaafir, Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'eeth, his friend comes to him and his friend tells him that, 'I believe you have accepted Islam?' Now look at the peer pressure. His friend tells him, 'I believe you have accepted Islam?' He says, 'No, no, no, no! That's nonsense! That's totally absurd! There's no reality to what you say! I had apparently invited the man (ﷺ). He insisted that I articulate the kalimah, as courtesy to my guest, I responded to his request but I had just lip serviced, I had said it verbally, I am not convinced on what he has said.' The friend says, 'No, I am not convinced. I have heard that you have accepted Islam. And I will not accept you in my social friends anymore, until and unless you don't openly go and deny this faith in front of him and to convince me you hate him, you must go before him and spit on his face!.' This nasty, evil, wretched man comes to impress his friend, that, 'yes, I am standing with you and I want to be part of your friends, to convince you that I haven't accepted Islam' - he comes and I don't know how he can spit on that face upon which the Quran takes kasams (oaths). And he spits on the Mubarak and the blessed face of Nabi-e-kareem (ﷺ) - denounces his Islam and then once again he's embraced by his friends. The Quran, in the most eloquent way, paints the picture of regret of this kaafir. On the day of qiyamat, in relation to his social friends
On that day, as a fit of regret, the Quran says, I quote the exact words, 'this kafir will come and he'll bite his hands'. Then he will point to this friend Ubaid and he will say, 'O Allah - I wish I had never met this human in my life! He had introduced me to so many evils! I had never womanized in my life, I had never gambled, I never consumed wine; I never knew what a drug was, till I met with this evil man! O Allah how do I express my regrets?! There's only one way O Allah! O Allah this friend of mine's, who introduced me to these vices, I have one request - I understand I have to suffer the consequences of his friendship, but the only way I can appease myself is by asking you one thing...whatever torment you suggest for me, give him double Allah" The Quran says, 'All friendship will be converted into enmity but the friendship on the name of Allah.

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