Thursday, October 10, 2013

Show Your Love

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu

There was a brother that loved a girl so much that he cannot imagine his life without her, so he went and he proposed to her. He realized that her favorite chocolate was Reese's. That was her favorite chocolate. But that brother doesn't even like it; he can't even stand having peanut butter mixed with chocolate. But for how much he loved that girl, he loved everything which she loves. And wallahi, this is a true story, Reese's became his favorite chocolate, subahaanAllah. That guy translated the love, from words into action.

So what's the point of this story? Allah (subahaanahu wa ta'ala) says in the Qur'an, 'And the believers love Allah even more.' SubahaanAllah! Are you a believer? How is your love to Allah, how is your iman? I'm gonna give you a gauge, a way to measure that. Rasoolullahi () said (don't forget to say ), 'There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days.' What ten days? Ten days of Dhul Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic calendar. So knowing that Allah loves those ten days, how are you gonna translate that love? When we say Iman and loving Allah, it needs to be translated into actions. You notice in the Quran, Allah would always say, 'The ones that believed in Allah, and did righteous deeds.' Connected, they don't ever disconnect. You cannot tell someone, someone cannot say, 'Oh, I pray with my heart, I don't need to do the physical movement.' Or a sister would say, 'My hijab is in the heart, there is no need to wear hijab.' La wallah (No! By Allah!) This is not Iman and love to Allah (subahaanahu wa ta'ala). And hopefully, if you are among the ones that truly and sincerely love Allah, you would love everything which Allah loves; and Allah loves those ten days. So when you go to work, or school, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and people would say, 'How come you seem so cheered up?' Tell them, 'Because I love today.' They'll be like, 'What?!' -- 'I love today. Today is Monday. Do you know what's today, today is one of the days which Allah (subahaanahu wa ta'ala) loves.'
May Allah allow us to love him and allow us to do every act which leads us to his love. How about I tell you one of many good deeds which you can do during those ten days. A deed that lot of our Muslim brothers don’t know or forgot about Rasoolullahi ﷺ advised me and you and all Muslims to increase in Tahleel and Takbeer and Tahmeed. How is that? For example by saying, one of the ways of saying it …  ‘Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha ILalah ILalalah Wallahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahil Hamud’.  Allah is Greater, Allah is Greater, there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, Allah is Greater, Allah is Greater, All thanks are due to him. Rasoolullahi ﷺ said, ‘whomever revives a sunnah, (a good act which Rasoolullah ﷺ taught us) that people have forgotten about and abandoned, man that reminds or that sister, they will get the reward of everyone that follows.’

So make sure you do your best to like this post and share it whenever you get a chance. So brothers and sisters if you do sincerely love Allah (Subhan wa Ta’ala), he will never reject you so long as you are accompanying that love with action. Do as many good deeds as possible.

Youtbe Video Link : Show Your Love

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