Saturday, October 12, 2013

Trust Allah & He Will Suffice You!

Trust Allah & He Will Suffice You!  

Now we all know Firaun. Firaun was the most evil ruler that walked on the face of the earth. And he wanted to kill Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the believers. So one night Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the know...tried to escape from Firaun and his evil people. So Firaun found out and as Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the believers are walking and escaping from Firaun, he sets out to go and chase them and kill them all. So Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the believers are walking and they approach the sea and when they turned back, Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) says.,

Sahih International:And when the two companies saw one another, the companions of Moses said, "Indeed, we are to be overtaken!"

 'Falamma taraa aljam'an' (26:61) - When the two companies saw each other, when Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the believers turned, they saw Firaun and his people, and the army coming towards them. And I want you to imagine...that you are with Moosa (alayhissalaam). In front of you is the sea, behind you is Firaun's army and to a side, you can't escape, you can't outrun them and so you are panicking. And Firaun and his army are coming closer and closer. They want to kill you. There's nowhere to run. There's no way to go, 'Qaala as-haabu Moosa' (26:61) - The companions of Moosa (alayhissalaam), they said, 'Inna lamudrakoon' (26:61) - That's it man! We're gonna be overtaken. We're finished. They gonna to kill us. They lost hope. They thought that life is over for them.
Sahih International:[Moses] said, "No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me."

And Moosa (alayhissalaam), when he heard this, what did he say, 'Kalla' (26:62) -- No! -- 'Inna ma'iya rabbee' (26:62) - Indeed My lord is with me, 'Sayahdeen' (26:62) - And He will guide me. Look, Moosa (alayhissalaam), he doesn't know what's gonna happen. He knows that the sea is in front of him and that Firaun and his army are coming closer and closer behind him and to the side he can't escape either, and he has the believers with him. He doesn't know what's gonna happen. All he knows that he's trapped right now. But he firmly and strongly puts trust in Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) and this is what we need to learn. And so what happens? Firaun is coming closer and closer...and the people are getting scared.
Sahih International:Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says, 'Fa awhayna ila Moosa 'ani idrib bi 'asaka albahr' (26:63) - And so He inspired to Moosa (alayhissalaam), 'strike the sea with your staff' and so Moosa (alayhissalaam) did so and the sea split into two and in between was dry land and Moosa (alayhissalaam) and the believers escaped. And Firaun and his army tried to chase them as well, but midway Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) caused the two bodies of water to come down upon them and so they drowned and they were destroyed.

And so we learn from the story. That no matter what happen in our lives, no matter how tough it gets, Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has a plan for you and you need to trust him. Allah says, 'Wamayyattaqi Allah' (65:2) - And whomsoever fears Allah, whomsoever has taqwa -- 'Yaj'al lahu makhraja' (65:2) - He will remove him from every single difficulty -- 'Wayarzuqhu min haythu la yahtasib' (65:3) - And he will give him rizq. He will give him opportunities from sources that he could never have imagined. See Moosa (alayhissalaam), he was in front of...he was beside the sea and Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) even caused the sea to split as an opportunity for Moosa (alayhissalaam). SubhaanAllah! Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) continues to say, 'Wamayyatawakkal 'ala Allah' (65:3) - And whomsoever puts his trust in Allah, 'fahuwa hasbuh' (65:3) - He will suffice him.

Sahih International:And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.

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