Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bismillah - In The Name Of Allah

 We know the sunnah of the Prophet () was to say 'Bismillah.' To mention Allah's name, and, in fact, it was common for him to say Bismillah before doing anything of importance. When we actually look through his () sunnah, we find him using Bismillah, not necessarily 'Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem' - but just at least, the portion Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) before doing deeds of importance. And this is the reminder for us. The literal translation of Bismillah, in the name of Allah, or with the name of Allah, seems incomplete. What do you mean, in the name of Allah, or with the name of Allah, when you say Bismillah? It is saying, actually, in the name of Allah, I will do this act. I will do it with the remembrance of Allah. I'm remembering Allah, while doing it. And this becomes a reminder for us that whatever we are about to do, it is by the permission of Allah that we are able to do it. It is by the grace of Allah, and his mercy that we have had the opportunity to do it. And it is from his blessing, if we do it successfully and we benefit from it. All of it goes back to Allah. So we say, before doing whatever we are about to do of some importance, some importance to us, we say Bismillah.

And as we said, on other occasions, where we are entering into areas, where there is potential misguidance, saying Bismillah also helps to keep us on the right path. As a remembrance of Allah, it helps to keep us on track. So if we go to the internet, also called the fitna-net, if we say Bismillah before we turn on or as we turn on the computer, or laptop, whatever, we say Bismillah, this is a reminder to help us stay on track. So we don't go on the computer, cause we know if our intention to go on the computer is for something which is haram, not pleasing to Allah, then it's difficult for us to say Bismillah, and then go, open up your computer. If there is any mustard seed of imaan in our hearts, we will be very shy, it would be impossible for us to say Bismillah and go and do it. It's like saying Bismillah and taking a glass of alcohol. So...if we find that we don't want to say Bismillah, we want to go ahead and do it without saying Bismillah, then this is...this is a guide for us. This is a reminder for us that whatever activity we're about to do is one we should not be doing. One we should not be doing.
Youtube Video Link : Bismillah - In the Name of Allah

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