Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Must Know About Dua

Assalaamu Alaikum!

In one of the cities that I lived in, there was a brother who was so committed to coming to the masjid. It was unbelievable! Masha Allah..TabarakAllah. Now, after sometime...we noticed that that brother stopped coming to the masjid and I realized that brother must perhaps be very very sick. So I immediately went to his house to go and see him and check on him as a brother, it's the duty of a brother over a brother. So I knocked on his house, and he opened the door! And I was happy to see him standing nice and healthy. And I said, 'Assalamu alaikum!' And he said, 'what the F... do you want?!' He cursed! A big word! And I was really shocked. Why would he behave like that? You are supposed to say, 'wa alaikum assalam.' But the brother said, 'what do you want?!' I am like, 'I came to check on you... see everything is fine with you, cause I haven't seen you in the masjid for a few days.' He's like, 'you know what? Am nice and healthy, right? Okay...good for you. Now move on in life...move Majed!'

Then I am like, 'subhanAllah! But brother what happened? Like how can I help you? You don't look like you're in the best shape, what's going on? Anything that hurt you, maybe we can support you.' He's like, 'whatever man!' I'm like, 'Please!' He's like, 'ok, come. Let me tell you what happened.' So he takes me to the basement, to the lower level of his house, and he starts explaining. He's like, 'for the past six months, I've been going to that masjid...praying first row in every salah possible. No matter what the weather is like...thunderstorm, blizzard, tornado am always there. I got no car, no bike, no scooter...I simply walk all the way to the masjid. For six months I've been making dua to Allah, all kinds of dua, not a single one of them has been responded to by Allah! Why shall I worship him after all that work!'I was so shocked to hear this, I was really sad to hear this, and I told him, 'brother, haven't you heard of a hadith of rasoolullahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam when he said that whenever a Muslim makes dua to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala one of three things happen?' He's like, 'what?' I'm like, 'when you make dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, number one - Allah would make that dua which you asked for actually comes to reality.' So if you're always making dua to Allah, Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Please help cure my friend who's very sick. 

Number one - Allah would cure your friend who is sick because of your dua. Your dua is risen and Allah brings the cure down to your friend or your brother. If Allah doesn't do number one to you, 

Then number two, what Allah would do...Allah will not accept your dua in terms of curing your friend, but number two, Allah will lift the hardship that was about to fall upon you guys, because of your dua...Allah lifts that hardship.

Number three if Allah doesn't give you number one or two, then number three, Allah will save the reward of the dua, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will allow you to taste the sweetness of that dua, when? On the yawm al qiyamah when you see all these duas that were not accepted in dunya transformed into hasanaath in yawm al qiyamah.

 - by Ustadh Majed Mahmoud 

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