Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Primary Experience Of Prayer

What is the status of Surath-ul Fathihah in the prayer of the common average Muslim? What's the position of Surath-ul Fathihah? It's a formality! I'll tell you why! (Imitates fast recitation) Right?! See if I can do it in one breath. Right, even if masha 'Allah you are a good person and when you go to masjid, you don't know what a lot of it means but you try to follow along and pay attention to when the imam is reciting, so you go to the taraweeh prayer or you go to the salatul isha and you go there and this imam's recitation is really nice, so you are like I go pray there, because it helps me concentrate in my prayer. Right? So you go and you pray there, and you stand up in the prayer and he starts, Allahuakbar! And the imam starts allhamduliallai rabbil alameen...and then you just kind of tone out, you zone out a little bit, then you look at the wall and then you see a stain on the carpet, and a stain on the carpet has never been so fascinating to you before in your entire life. it's like oh my god. what's the history of the stain on the carpet. Right!? Even though 2 weeks ago you are the one that made that stain on the carpet. So all this is going on and you are just disinterested and then you hear wallad dal 'leen and everyone goes ameen and then the imam says kaf ha'ya ain saad and it's like, 'oh yeah! cool surah today, boo yah!' time to pay attention. bikurahmatika abdahu zakariya...Now im gonna pay attention! Surath-ul Fathihah is a formality! Everybody knows it! right. even my little , my 3 year old knows and recites Fathihah. Everybody knows, so right, no big deal. But subhanaallah, Surath-ul Fathihah is the essence, is the core, it is the primary experience of prayer! It's the primary experience of the prayer!

- by Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda 

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