Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Be Positive! : You Can Change The World!

By Allah, I will tell you, every single person that has made an effect in this dunya (this world) was not really a great man before they became great. They were not particularly talented, not particularly educated, not particularly eloquent, they didn't need the permission of everybody, they didn't have the help of everyone as well. By Allah they had one thing and one thing only and that was a deep burning desire to achieve something. 

One day, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stood up in the depths of the night. It is authentically reported in Al Bukhari, that he raised his hands up to the heavens, and he said, 'Oh Allah, My Ummah, My Ummah, My Ummah!' 'Ya Allah! My Ummah, My Ummah' 'Ya Allah! My Ummah, My Ummah.' He couldn't say more than that. He couldn't finish his sentences because he was so emotional. Until the night passed, and the last third of the night came; until Fajr time came, and at that point Jibreel (alaihis salam) came down and said, 'Ya Muhammed! Ya Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Allah has sent me and said, 'Ya Muhammed, your Lord will not disappoint you regarding your Ummah'' 'Your Lord will not disappoint you regarding your Ummah!" 

The question is brothers and sisters in Islam, are we going to disappoint our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)? Are we going to disappoint our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)? Allah has promised our prophet, he will not disappoint him regarding our Ummah. The question is us, are we going to otherwise not fulfil the promise of Allah and be a disappointment for our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)? Be you of those people who fulfil his vision. Be you of those people who fulfil your love of Allah (Azzawajal) by pursuing the vision of Rasool Allah (salala alaihi wasallam) on this earth. 

Everyone will say I love Allah or I want to love Allah, however certain things prevent them from proving their love for Allah (Azzawajal). The first thing that prevents them is this negativity, 'I can't be that great' 'I can't prove my love to Allah' 'I have done too much sins' 'I am not someone special' 'I don't have Islamic knowledge; I only know so little' 'I am not from a great family' 'I am not a great speaker' 'How can I truly do so many things?' 'How can I prove my actions?' 'How can I increase my actions in order to prove my love for Allah? I am no one special' But by Allah, you are special! You are special! Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, 'When a slave stands in his Salah and he says, 'Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin' Allah answers the slave back, and says, 'My slave has praised me.' Every time you speak to Allah, Allah speaks to you back. You are not a person in six billion, you are the person in six billion at moment because Allah (rabbul izzati wal jalal) despite looking at the affairs of creation, has time for you. Oh my brothers and my sisters in Islam, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) pays attention to you. 

So my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, do not be of those people who are negative about your love for Allah (Azzawajal), be of those people who are positive about it. Every single time you feel negative, every single time you feel you can't prove your love to Allah (Azzawajal), remember by Allah, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was a very positive person. Be very positive about yourself. Be very positive that you can make a change. Be very positive that you will have an effect in changing the Ummah.

 - Sheikh Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury

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