Saturday, May 31, 2014

Looking Good For Your Spouse

Have you stopped trying to look good for your spouse? It's common for people to get into a place in their relationship where they just get really comfortable and they stop caring so much and part of that is with the way they dress, and the way they look, the way they put themselves together. Especially after, like the honeymoon phase or whatever, where you get into a groove with the relationship, it's easy to kinda let go.

And subahaanAllah, one of the rights that our spouse has upon us is that we dress up and we look good for them, we look good so that we are pleasing to them, so they like looking at us and they like being around us. And subahaanAllah, one of the companions, Ibn Abbas (RA), he would actually say...

He said, 'I love to beautify myself for my wife just as I love for my wife to beautify herself for me.' 

Meaning just like you would like this from your spouse, likewise you would like it from yourself. And subahaanAllah, sometimes when people are having problems in their relationships, just making an effort to look nice, and dress well and take care of yourself, sometime that's all it takes to push the relationship in a positive direction. And subahaanAllah, the more you love someone actually, the more you should care about the way you look. The closer you are to someone, the longer the relationship goes on, the harder you should be trying to look good for your spouse. And Allah SWT knows best. 

Until next sha Allahu ta'ala,

Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

- by Sheikh Saad Tasleem 

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