Saturday, May 17, 2014

Controlling The Gaze

How do you control your gaze in a hyper-sexualized society?

We live in a culture of voyeurism, where we're taught to look at anything, and everything, and everyone. From TV, movies, to reality shows, magazines. We're either looking at people's lives, or we're looking at people. And, in a society like this, we see the effects, the detrimental effects that have come about because of this culture that we're in where we're conditioned to never control our gaze.

For single people, it may start with nudity and things like that, in movies and TV and all of that, but it can very easily end up to a person addicted to pornography and we know all the ill effects that that has on a person's life.For someone who is married, there are many detrimental effects of not controlling one's gaze. It can lead to a person being unsatisfied with their spouse. One of the reasons is that they may begin to compare their spouse to all these other people that they're always looking at. A person's spouse will never live up to these images we see on the internet, on TV, and movies, and magazines, because that's just not reality. And so, it can cause a lot of problems in relationships.

And so it's about time that we start pushing ourselves to be patient with controlling our gaze. And it's not easy, look, let's be honest. It's not easy for a person to control their gaze in the society. But, realize that change doesn't happen overnight. We're gonna have to condition ourselves, we are gonna have to start working at it, and seeking the help of Allah and slowly, but surely, Allah will help us to control and lower our gaze.
And Allah knows best. 

Until next time, in sha Allah...

Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

- by Sheikh Saad Tasleem 

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