Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Essence Of Every Evil

'And mankind took on this responsibility and mankind was constantly in a state of oppression and constantly in a state of ignorance' and Sheikhul Islam ibn Taymiyah RA he comments on this ayah and he says, 'the essence of every evil in this world are these two things, oppression and ignorance.' 

Oppression and ignorance are the essence of every single form of evil in this world, every will not find an evil from the evils of the world except that it come into one of these two things. It is either a form of oppression or a form of ignorance and this is why in our prayer we seek refuge from the oppressive people i.e. those people who know the truth but they still go ahead and do the wrong so they are oppressive and those people who don't know it and so they are ignorant. And like ibn Taymiyah said all of the evil in the world comes from these two things, oppression and ignorance. 

Oppression and if we look at the state of mankind, the state of mankind if they don't embrace Islam, if they don't turn to Islam, if they don't correct their character by use of the...the means to correct it that are given to us in Islam, the what do they end up, they end up in a state of oppressing by when they know the truth and they don't do it or a state of ignorance where they don't know the truth at first place...and the shaitan he builds upon these two things and he builds upon them with two key things. He builds upon them with shahawaat and he builds upon them with shubuhat.

So as for the issue of zulm (of opression) the shaitan builds upon this oppression by the means of shahwat (your desires). So the shaitan tries to get you to follow your desires, to follow what your soul craves for, you just you know you at the end of the day you know of you find sort of you find soul craves when your lazy you don't do anything you don't wanna go out and go to work you just wanna eat food and you just, you know you have desires from relationships, men and women and you have your desires from you know, the food that you eat and you have desires from wealth and status and power. These kinds of desires that can be at odds with Islam that can be at against Islam, the shaitan he wants you to follow them and this the zulm that the shaitan wants you to do to yourself, that oppression shaitan wants you to do to yourself. And on the other side, on the side of ignorance the shaitan he has shubuhat. He spreads false ideas and false notions, he spreads misguidance upon the people things that you hear it and you thing they are true but it's not true and shaitans uses these to make you ignorant and to make your turn away from the path of Allah azawajal.

May Allah azawajal protect us all from the oppression and ignorance ... ameen

 by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble 

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