Monday, May 19, 2014

Take Off Your Hijab!

Does it matter if somebody wears hijab if they're committing all these other sins?

A person may look at their life and see they commit all these other sins and they may say to themselves, 'Does it really matter if I wear hijab or not?' This is a trick from Shaytan. (Beware - This is a trick from Shaytan) What Shaytan wants you to do is give up on this one good deed that you are doing. There is no doubt that wearing hijab is indeed very very hard and, and this is why Shaytan will usually attack from that door. He will constantly be on your back and he will remind you of how hard hijab is. Or, if you don't wear hijab, then Shaytan will constantly remind you that it is indeed very very hard, and your life is going to change when you wear hijab and that may be true.

But remember, even just wearing hijab and you may not do any other good deeds or you may commit all these other sins, but that wearing of that hijab is still a good deed. (Don't let your sins prevent you from wearing the hijab) And, you are still in obedience of Allah subhana wa ta3la (The only one worthy of worship, most glorified and most high).

So, never give up on that hijab. And Allah knows best. 

Until next sha Allah
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu

- by Sheikh Saad Tasleem 

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