Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Message To The Young Muslims

"Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, 

My Name Is Ishaq Mustaqim, Ive Been A Muslim Now For 2 Years, Before I Never Thought I Would Ever Be A Muslim, I Have A Message For The Young Muslim, And Even If You're Not Muslim, You Should Listen To What I Say, Insh Allah For The Young Muslim, That Are Far From The Religion and That Are Doing Like Illegal Stuff, If You're Involved In Crime and You Think You Will Never Get Caught, And Even If You're Not Going To Get Caught Right Now, I Have A Message For You Me, Before, I Lived In A Criminal Life For A Long Time and Since Im A Muslim I Stopped All That, Its 2 Years Now, Im Doing Like, Everything That Is Allowed but My Past Came Back, Because The Past Always Comes Back and Even If You See People That Never Get Caught, You're A Muslim, So You Know Whats Going To Happen After,If You Die and You Didnt Repent, Thats Even Worse I Hope, I Ask Allah, I Pray To Allah That It Never Happens To You Because Thats Really Bad.

Now In The Time That You're Gonna Watch This Video, Because In 2 Weeks, I Will Have To Pay For My Mistake I Did 7 Years Ago, 7 YEARS AGO!!! Its A Long Time, But The Past Always Comes Back and Inshallah, I Will Have To Face Jail, Like My Lawyer Said: That Was Going To Have Like Between 4-6 Years and Thats Something I Really Really Dont Want For You, So If You're Involved In Crime or In Bad Things or You Think Its Cool, Or You Want To Do Those Things To Get Money Because You Think Money Is Important, Youre Going The Wrong Way, My Brothers Seriously, Even Sisters, Seriously, I Love You Too Much For You To Do Things Like That, Can Go To Jail, Get Killed, Theres No Other Way or Even If You Dont Get Caught, Its Even Worse, On The Day Of Judgement!!! So Please InshAllah, Make Dua For Me, Not Dua Like, Dont Ask That I Dont Go TO Jail, But Just Ask Allah That He Gives Me Whats Best Because Sometimes Things Happen Life, That You Think Its Bad For You but Its A Good Thing and Sometimes Things That Happens You Think Its Good, but Seriously, Its Bad For You, Like CRIME, BAD MONEY (Haram Way) You Think Its Good For You, You Think You'll Get A Good Life but Im Telling You, Money Will Not Make You Happy.

I Lived 10 Years Of Luxuary Life and Now For 3 Months Of My Life, I Have To Pay For 4-6 Years, And Those 3 Months The Crime That I Plead Guilty, Its A Fraud Of $700,000 So Dont Think, That Money Will Make You Happy Because Since Im A Muslim, I Tasted The Happines, That Nothing In Life, Even Now, Im Working On A Halal Job and Before I Was Able To Do In 1Day, The Amount Of Money Im Doing In 1Year, The Happiness That Islam Gives Me, Nothing Else Gives Me, So InshAllah, Think About What I Just Said, Inshallah I Make Dua For You and Make Dua For Me, and Make A Good Decision, Inshallah, Assalamu Alaikum"

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