Friday, April 4, 2014

Enslaved To Social Norms?

"So We Can Be A Slave To Society As Well and We See This Even In Our Asian Culture, Maybe Not You Guys, Because You're The Pious Type, Mashallah Tabarakallah but Lets Be Honest, In Many Types Of Our Family, If You Go To A Wedding, What Do You See? You See People Who Are Being Pulled Over Their Lifes, Spending Money, Thousands (3x) On Wedding Dresses and Golds and Thousands People Are There, Half Of Them They Dont Even Know, They're Not Even Related, They Somehow Used To Comb One Of Their Pet Rabbits Hair, You Know, Thats How Distance They Are and Then They're There, Its All About Show Off and How Much Gold You Have, Where You Gonna Go, The Mahar, All Of These Stuff and You Know God Forbid One Aunty Wearing The Same Wedding Outfit, She Wore Last Year, La Hawla Wala Quata Illah Billah, It Will Be Day of Judgement Scenario You Cant Be Seeing Her In The Same Shoes "I Aint Wearing The Same Shoes" Do You See The Point? Its All About Status and What You Look Like And This Is A Social Norm In Our Own Community.

We've Adopted The Bollywood, Hinduistic Kinda Culture, And We've Made Nikkah So Hard, Wallahi We Made ZINA Easy and Nikkah Hard, Wallahi, I Know, I See Youth In Student, They Find It So Hard, We've Made ZINA/FRNICATION Easy and Marriage Difficult" and also we have other issues considering the socail norm, he has to be a docter, if he not that clevver an engineer, if he's not that clevver a Lawyer, if he is not that clevver Mufti Saab. Isnt it ? like the deen comes on the bottom of the list and if you wanna marry someone. Even i have seen in practicing sisters, Niqaab, Gloves, shoes, Nets, Everything covered Right? and they will be like: Oh i want hime to be a docter and deen is like 4th, whats wrongwith these people? We have been socialized, Isn't it? This cast Hindi system kinda culture permiatted Even among the pious people, Wallahi there is a Hadith, to the best of my knowledge,I can be corrected obviously, In Tirmidhi, Where the Prophet (s.a.w) said and i'm Paraphrasing: If someone comes to your daughter with good morals and you reject him, There will be Fitna and Fasaad in the world. And he said: What if he doesn't have any money? and you know How He (s.a.w) Replied: If someone comes to your daughter with good morals and you reject him, There will be Fitna and Fasaad in the world and repeated it again. what is the Prophet (s.a.w) indicating here? That thisis the most important thing, not the money, Money comes and goes but yet we have that social norm in our culture, that if he is not of a high status, its terrible.

By Brother Hamza Tzortzis 

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