Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oh My Slave, Weren't you Ashamed

"May Allah help every brother and sister who is trailed by temptations around him or her. 

SubhanAllah, Allah has given shaykh Muktar a lot of wisdom. In answering the question he didn't cite the idea of marriage even once or make a reference to it. (In my humble opinion) I think it's because that will not stop someone from lowering their gaze since many married individuals still do so. The problem lies in the person himself and to rid of its habit (just like any other sin), it requires crying and asking for help from the Most Merciful with the utmost sincerity!

Please watch the video for a very beautiful reminder "How to stay away from sinning"

May Allah reward user 'xoOLeenaOox' for originally uploading and also translating it."

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