Monday, April 7, 2014

Umar ibn Khattab on the way to Jerusalem

When Umar ibn Khattab was on his way to collect the keys of the city of Jerusalem he had made a deal with his servant that they would take turns in riding (one day each) while the other walks in front. The journey itself was very long and when they were close to Jerusalem not only was it Umar’s turn to lead the camel but because of the length of the journey his clothes were dirty and his appearance dishevelled.

Abu Ubaydah ( 1 of the 10 promised jannah) leader of the Army met him at the gates and when he saw rushed to Umar to advise him, the Romans lived in a lavish culture and he because of this he felt that Umars appearance as the leader of the muslims was not appropriate in front of the well dressed rich Romans. When Umar finished listening he struck the chest of Abu ubaydah and said.

“I wouldn’t expect this to come from you. We were a people who were humiliated then Allah honoured us with Islam. If we seek honour any other way, Allah will humiliate us.” 

Unfortunately we live in a world that is now built on appearance; everyone is concerned about how they are perceived by others. People often find themselves doing things for no other reason just to please others, sometimes going as far as compromising on their values and beliefs. We need to remember as Muslims our honour lies in pleasing Allah alone, we should hide or cover different parts of our belief out of fear that we may be seen as strange. This is the relgion of Allah the true complete religion and never should we compromise on this. May Allah Increase us all in Honour and servitude to him.

Do they seek with them 'izzah (honor)? Rather, to Allah indeed belongs all honor
[An-Nisaa’ 139] Quran

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