Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Crying Out Of The Fear Of Allah

"Crying Out Of The Fear Of Allah (swt) Abdullah Ibn Shaqeeq (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) Said: That I Went To A Room When The Prophet (s.a.w) Was Praying and I Heard His Chest Noise SImilar To, The Noise When You Have A Pot On Fire and Its Boiling, He's Crying (s.a.w) He's Weeping Why Would You Do Such A Thing? 

Because When You Remember Allah (swt) When You Remember The Greatness Of Allah (swt) When You Remember That Allah Has Created All This Universe Which Does Not Mean Anything At The Greatness Of Allah, And It Is Nothing Compare To The Greatness Of Allah (swt) and I, As An Individual, I Am Nothing At All Compare To This Whole Universe, Let Alone Compare To The Greatness Of Allah (swt) When You Pray In The Middle Of The Night and You Recollect or Recall Your Sins, Your Short Comings, The Things You've Done To Others, The Things You've Done To Allah The Al-Mighty and You Fear How Small and Humiliated You Are Standing In Front Of Allah (swt) Praying and Asking Forgiveness, You Cannot Help but To Cry Like Wise When You Ask Allah (swt) For Forgivness, When You're Prosterating or You're Makind Dua, If It Comes From The Heart, It Rips Your Heart Out Because You Know How Bad You Were and You Still Are, And You Dont Know How Allah (swt) Will Conclude Your Life"

By Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem 

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